“Proservice” LTD – hereinafter “Proservice”
Servers belonging to “Proservice” LTD – hereinafter “Servers”
User of any server of “Proservice” LTD – hereinafter “User”

We ask you to carefully familiarize yourselves with “Service Use Rules” given here and make sure that you understand and accept each paragraph of the Rules and that you agree with them.

Using or ordering any of “” services you automatically confirm your compliance with “Service Use Rules” published on “Proservice” webpage ProService

“Proservice” reserves the right to make an unilateral decision on immediate termination of the service in case of existence of a fact that can be considered as violation of “Service Use Rules”.

“Proservice” reserves the right to implement temporary disconnection of the server and/or servers with the purpose of ensuring usefulness and perfection of the network and servers (connection of new cable lines, renewal and/or modification of technical facilities, replacement of the network topology, introduction of new technologies, etc) for no longer than 4 (four) hours during 1 (one) calendar month.

“Proservice” reserves the right to introduce changes in “Service Use Rules” at any time. The changes introduced in the Rules become effective right after their publication on the website.

1. Content and liability
A User is not entitled to use any service provided to him by “Proservice” with the purpose of transferring or distribution of data which is at variance with the legislation of Georgia. Mailing of the so-called “spam” is prohibited. Hosting of the so-called warrez sites, porno, proxi and popup is prohibited. Placement on servers and any distribution or assistance in distribution, by means of the services provided by us, of files that can inflict damage to a mail recipient or a third person is prohibited. Placement on the servers or any distribution of pornography, erotic and violence containing materials is prohibited. Placement on the servers or any distribution of the materials for which a User does not have the copyright or license is prohibited.

Apart from the abovementioned, hosting of the following types of sites/scripts on the so-called Shared Hosting servers is prohibited:

-  sites/scripts of hosting of chats, video, pictures and files (allowed in case of using VPS service)
-  sites/scripts of the banner exchange system (allowed in case of using VPS service)
-  sites/scripts of audio-video streaming (allowed in case of using VPS service)
-  sites/scripts of sites rating count (so-called “counters”. Allowed in case of using VPS service)

2. Server resources

In case of revealing a fact of violation by a User of the established restrictions on use of the server resources, “Proservice” will try to render maximal assistance to a User with the purpose of eradication of the problem but, at the same time, it reserves the right to temporal or permanent suspension of service delivery to a User if it is impossible to eradicate the problem, which may entail deterioration of other Users servicing.

Maximum number of users per day - 3000
Maximum load on the processor - 10%
The data base for weight - 1 Gb
Maximum number of sent messages per day - 500
Maximum weight of message  - 20 Mb
connections from 1 IP address - 200

PHP Configuration details:

Memory Limit: 128 Mb
Upload Max File Size: 32 Mb
Max File Upload: 20 
Post Max Size: 32 Mb

3. Contact information
Ordering any service from “Proservice”, a User is obliged to indicate exact and complete information about himself so that, in case of need, “Proservice” could contact him. Besides, a User is obliged to notify “Proservice” about introduction of any changes in this information.  

“Proservice” reserves the right to refuse from service provision in the event that the information provided by a User is false or incomplete.

4. Technical support
Technical support service is effective with respect to any of “Proservice” users. You can contact workers of the Technical Support Department via e-mail to the following address:

In requesting technical support, the prescribed rules, which must be taken into account by you, are applicable:

- a letter must be sent from the e-mail address indicated by you when you ordered hosting. Otherwise, it is prohibited for workers of the Technical Department to introduce any changes in a User’s account/file/configuration;
- in the letter you must indicate the domain with respect to which you have a problem or question;
- try do describe your problem as thoroughly as possible, by doing so you will facilitate for us diagnosis of the problem and shorten the period of time necessary for its eradication;
- we ask you to save the history. The whole correspondence related to a particular problem, for solving of which you need assistance, must be visible in the letter;
- right after receiving of the letter workers of the Technical Department will do their best to solve your problem. The received letter will not remain without an answer. After sending a letter, we ask you to wait for our reply, there is no need to send several letters with the same content.

5. Payment
A User is obliged to make payment in accordance with the tariff plan chosen by him. In the event that the monthly payment’s tariff plan is chosen, a User is obliged to make advance payment for using the service for each subsequent month. If the yearly payment’s tariff plan is chosen, a User is obliged to make advance payment for using the service for each subsequent year.

5 days prior to the next scheduled payment due date the system will automatically send you an invoice and remind you the payment sum.

 In case of delay in payment, the site will be switched off. We ask you to take into account that after expiration of the payment due date the Contractor stores the Customer’s files (e-mail, web page’s base, etc) on its server for 20 calendar days. After expiration of the mentioned period, the Contractor is entitled to delete all data of the Customer from the server without any warning.  Here you can familiarize yourselves with detailed information on settlements in using “Proservice” services

6. Backup copies
In order to protect itself from unexpected occurrences “Proservice” saves backup copies of files placed (uploaded) by a User to servers. In spite of the fact that there is no 100% guarantee that files will not be corrupted and/or deleted, a User is obliged to periodically carry out backup copying of the information uploaded to servers on his personal computer and/or CD/DVD discs and not to leave the copies on the servers only. “Proservice” recommends Users to save backup copies at least once a week.

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